Benji, Panelist
What’s a fun fact about you?
I've been doing community work for 17 years, which I attribute in large part to Trek!
What’s your favorite Star Trek series?
My favourite series is Deep Space Nine. The show gave us masterfully-weaved serialized plot arcs, while still providing wonderful science fiction one-offs in keeping with classic Trek. It managed to service a huge extended family of characters, without taking away from the others. It's the only Trek series that makes me cry.
Do you have a favorite Star Trek Captain?
I think Picard will always be my favourite captain. He imbued a sense of ethics in me at a very young age, that I still carry with me to this day.
How about a favorite character who isn’t a Captain?
Saru has quickly become my favourite non-captain (although sometimes captain) character. He breaks the stereotype that a sensitive person cannot also be commanding, or be a great captain, which he absolutely is when he has the chance. He follows the Spock/Data archetype of being that character that questions humanity for the audience, but does it from a supremely empathetic place, rather than an emotionless one. He is the character that most reminds me of myself.
What is your comfort episode?
SNW: Those Old Scientists. It is an absolute joy to watch, and makes me laugh every singe time I watch it. It's my happy place.
What episode would you show someone to get them into Trek?
Strange New Worlds S01E01: Strange New Worlds. I think starting with a modern series before working backward is a great way to go. The series itself is a great introduction to Trek, and the pilot episode is the perfect Prime Directive explainer, which is the first thing everyone should learn about Trek, whether you agree with it or not!
What was your first contact with Star Trek?
A friend got me into TNG when I was in grade 5 or 6, around TNG's sixth season. I was immediately addicted. The utopian vision of the future, and the notion that everyone was working together toward a common good spoke to me on a deep level. I went on to watch all of DS9 and Voyager with my mom as each series was released, which we bonded over.
What's your favorite Trek-spiracy? (head canon or fan theory, etc)
Trip didn't die, it was just a bad holo-novel.
What’s your favorite Trek “Beta Canon”? Books, Games, etc.
Star Trek Online has done some phenomenal episodes. The Ferengi episode in particular is like a reunion of the DS9 episode 'The Magnificent Ferengi', with almost all of the original voices. It's like getting more episodes of Deep Space Nine!
If you were in the Trek universe, what era, and what would your role be (in or out of Starfleet)?
I would love to be a Starfleet Captain in the 32nd Century, working to bring the Federation back together after The Burn.
What class of ship would you want to serve on?
32nd Century New Constitution
Winnipeg, MB, Canada