Krista, Panelist
What’s a fun fact about you?
Many of my favorite treasures/possessions to this day derived from dumpster dives.
What’s your favorite Star Trek series?
TNG. I could not resist its siren call.
Do you have a favorite Star Trek Captain?
Jean Luc Picard (pre PICARD series fuck that guy) because he quoted Shakespeare. True story.
How about a favorite character who isn’t a Captain?
Dr. Beverly Crusher. I can't really explain why other than she was strong and smart, accomplished in her own right. There was something oddly sexy and badass about her, before there was a Kira, Janeway, 7of9, etc.
What is your comfort episode?
The Big Goodbye; It's so sweetly innocent and stupid, but in a Hallmark singing card way and everybody knows that you're a proper asshole if you don't appreciate a singing greeting card.
What episode would you show someone to get them into Trek?
The first season of Prodigy because as any cult knows well, "children are our future, Teach them well and Let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess insiiiiiiiiiide...."
What was your first contact with Star Trek?
I was an fair to middling viewer of TOS in my adolescence, but I swear to all the gods, it was the Jim Carrey fight scene in The Cable Guy years later that reminded me how much Trek had infiltrated my grey matter.
What's your favorite Trek-spiracy? (head canon or fan theory, etc)
I don't really....Maybe that the Q Continuum and The Travelers originated from the same tree, but diverged at some point due to some disagreement regarding their corporate mission statement, and so then they became Peet's Coffee or Starbucks.
What’s your favorite Trek “Beta Canon”? Books, Games, etc.
Can I answer Fanfiction? I love the wild creativity and imagination so that's my answer.
If you were in the Trek universe, what era, and what would your role be (in or out of Starfleet)?
I'm rubbish keeping track of planes, times, years, wtf, so I'm just hanging as a TA with Pelia, liberating artifacts and being all knowing like an oracle, with a side gig bartending therapeutically with Guinan, and our kids are best friends, and their kids are best friends....
What class of ship would you want to serve on?
Neo-Constitution because my girl Bev tested the shit out of that metaphasic shield that come standard with overly dim lighting systems, and Corinthian leather bucket seats. BALLER!!
New Orleans, LA