Trev, Founder & Cohost
What’s a fun fact about you?
My fur-child is named after a Farscape character.
What’s your favorite Star Trek series?
Deep Space Nine. I don’t just love Trek, I love the universe in which it exists. DS9 was our first venture away from the isolation of a single starship and into that vast universe. I love it for that and its richness of bold and realized characters.
Do you have a favorite Star Trek Captain?
Kathryn Janeway. There’s something about a scientist Captain that draws me in. She’s commanding and bold yet curious and cautious. It explains my fondness for Captain Burnham as well.
How about a favorite character who isn’t a Captain?
Colonel Kira Nerys. What a brilliant arc brought to life by a brilliant and thoughtful actress. But don’t get me started on how much I love Mama Nana, or we’ll be here all day.
What is your comfort episode?
TNG “Disaster”. It’s a fun, fish-out-of-water story with drama, stakes and comedy. What’s not to love?
What episode would you show someone to get them into Trek?
TNG “The Best of Both Worlds”. You don’t need to know the world or the characters - the story explains them all without unnecessary exposition. Every character is used and well represented for and in their respective roles. And what’s better than a saucer separation?
What was your first contact with Star Trek?
A rerun of The Enterprise Incident in 1982/83.
What's your favorite Trek-spiracy? (head canon or fan theory, etc)
Star Trek is a visual representation of log entries, not a documentary. Any and all visual inconsistencies on screen are the result of watching someone’s description of people and places, not errors in continuity.
What’s your favorite Trek “Beta Canon”? Books, Games, etc.
Imzadi by Peter David. What can I say? I’m a Troi-Boi!!
If you were in the Trek universe, what era, and what would your role be (in or out of Starfleet)?
Early 2400’s (the “present”). Office of the Inspector General
What class of ship would you want to serve on?
Galaxy Class
Palm Springs, CA